About Us

SK GROUP OF COMPANIES (SK) is an established training and educational organization, which caters to the needs of working adults and industries. The company was founded in October 2009 by a group of dedicated academicians and industrialists who have had vast experience in the field of Education, Human Resource Management, Finance, Information Technology, Project Management, Marketing, Coaching, Management, leadership, and Training. This diversified blend of industry experience has provided the ability for SK to offer high-quality education and training aimed at enhancing productivity, skills, competitiveness, knowledge and modern working ethics. SK only engages training associates who have both academic and industrial background with proven track records.

To date, SK has trained and educated over 5,000 students from various industries pursuing their executive programme and training workshops in all our learning centers. SK is pleased to play a pivotal role in the provision of lifelong learning in line with the nation’s demand for human capital development. To meet this demand, we have included the provision of Executive Educational Programmes, Professional Programmes, Training Programmes, In-House Programmes, Conferences and Consultancy Services to the industries.

Your one-stop center for lifelong learning

We are Dedicated to give you the best quality education for your career


To be recognized and respected as a dynamic, vibrant, value-based organization comprising of highly exceptionally skilled, motivated and committed professionals who facilitate a seamless transformation of our participants/clients into a world-class workforce.


Earn the loyalty of our clients and grow our clientele base by developing the most creative and comprehensive educational, training and consultancy programs in line with latest needs of the industry through the integration of people, technology and business systems

Quality Policy

To pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeavors namely teaching, research, and consultancy and continuing education and to remain accountable in our core and support functions, through processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Our Objectives

  1. To create a highly competent, well trained and knowledgeable workforce
  2. To be innovative and introduce programs that are relevant and current in line with the ever-changing global landscape
  3. To collaborate with strategic partners and to form alliances with like-minded organizations in delivering quality and excellence

Our Core Values

  1. Provide effective and incomparable education, training, facilities and management system.
  2. Manage the programs in line with the needs and qualities set by the partners.
  3. Provide accessible and conducive avenues for the working people.
  4. Offer appropriate, exciting revenue packages and fair educational opportunities.
  5. Assist the nation by producing quality and competitive workforce.
  6. To stay relevant in the ever-changing global landscape by evolving continuously.

Our Partners

Due to our excellence and proven track record in the lifelong learning field,
Sree Knowledge Provider has been appointed by a few prominent Universities as their collaborative partner.

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